你可曾有听说过华府郊外的Eakin 公园?其中有个不起眼的出口就在新盖的Inova Hospital 后面,连接着个棒球场。你顺着小道进去,无论是朝前或朝后,新建的步道都引你进入心旷神怡的绿阴和小溪,感觉比Great Falls 有趣!时常健步在如此优越的生态环境中,极难想象武肺的入侵。该段从九月十二日开始,有射猎活动,以弓箭射击过剩的野鹿。
记得十年前常去Rosslyn 的Theodore Roosevelt Island 享受环保的意义。可惜在08 前四年的结尾时,该公园早已破败,在废墟中的俩个公厕自然也无人管理。
“The Cutittas said they feel incredibly lucky. Leslie Cutitta said one doctor told the family that during the worst of the pandemic in New York City, most patients in Frank’s condition died because hospitals couldn’t devote such time and resources to one patient.”
“As you can see, I’m a man of color, and I’m a lifelong Democrat, too. You may be wondering, why is a lifelong Democrat speaking at the Republican National Convention? And that’s a fair question. And here’s your answer,” Jones said during his speech on Monday. “The Democratic Party does not want Black people to leave their mental plantation. We’ve been forced to be there for decades and generations, but I have news for Joe Biden. We are free. We are free people with free minds. And I’m part of a large and growing segment of the Black community who are independent thinkers, and we believe that Donald Trump is the president that America needs to lead us forward.”
你可曾有听说过华府郊外的Eakin 公园?其中有个不起眼的出口就在新盖的Inova Hospital 后面,连接着个棒球场。你顺着小道进去,无论是朝前或朝后,新建的步道都引你进入心旷神怡的绿阴和小溪,感觉比Great Falls 有趣!时常健步在如此优越的生态环境中,极难想象武肺的入侵。该段从九月十二日开始,有射猎活动,以弓箭射击过剩的野鹿。
记得十年前常去Rosslyn 的Theodore Roosevelt Island 享受环保的意义。可惜在08 前四年的结尾时,该公园早已破败,在废墟中的俩个公厕自然也无人管理。
“The Cutittas said they feel incredibly lucky. Leslie Cutitta said one doctor told the family that during the worst of the pandemic in New York City, most patients in Frank’s condition died because hospitals couldn’t devote such time and resources to one patient.”
Science vs Conspiracy
纽约专事颠倒黑白的de Blasio 百般威胁说要取消该市优秀公立高中的入学考试而“为不平等教育垫平道路”;随后,华府著名的科技高中TJ 也因公平录取亚裔而被列入暗杀名单。耶鲁每录取十位黑人学生后才录取一个亚裔,并在这十分之一的佼佼者中为社会培养出文革聂元梓式的黄XX;哈佛在官司与铁证前拒不承认其歧视亚裔的事实,却通过其黑人学系向社会传达仇恨:它培育了个不合格的黑总统;它的伪研究称95.5%的中国人热爱中共;它最新的“科研成果”竟是呼吁为第二波武肺准备第二次Lock Down !
Conspiracy or Science?
最近,斯坦福的黑人学生也气势汹汹地质问该校正副俩校长:为何该校只有比较文学研究中的黑人学而不扩张成黑学系?为何教黑人文学的墨西哥西裔教授在朗诵黑人诗时(政治不正确地)实打实地念出 黑人自己写的N 开头的字?他们要求主持比较文学的亚裔教授为之道歉;他们还要求解雇并驱除校警却强迫学校为停课而解雇的校工付费!他们集团性的无理取闹将一个传播理性的校园演变成了喧哗的赌场!
显然,校长们是科学的;在社会的大课堂里 “自学”黑文化、黑社会是最有效的。黑学生们能亲眼目睹—– 亚马逊的Bezos 在它买断华邮后御用政治科学家们为黑命贵垫背捧场,然而不管它如何巧妙地联手黑舆论,却也是逃不过在自家门口被安置断头台的命运!
斯坦福的正副校长们是睿智的,因为只有自学—- 随时网课到华府街上,立马就把社会科学的真理学到手:
“As you can see, I’m a man of color, and I’m a lifelong Democrat, too. You may be wondering, why is a lifelong Democrat speaking at the Republican National Convention? And that’s a fair question. And here’s your answer,” Jones said during his speech on Monday. “The Democratic Party does not want Black people to leave their mental plantation. We’ve been forced to be there for decades and generations, but I have news for Joe Biden. We are free. We are free people with free minds. And I’m part of a large and growing segment of the Black community who are independent thinkers, and we believe that Donald Trump is the president that America needs to lead us forward.”
倘若黑学生们还不明白自学的道理,那么即去请教斯坦福校友 Musk,因为马斯克是自学的典范, 他的大脑科研团队不遗余力地给猪脑装上芯片后,那猪崽活得不仅有意义而且还健康愉快。